Friday, April 6, 2012

A little Something!!

A glimpse of hope
A ray of light
A smile or two words or just a look in the eye...
something that says that sun has not set yet...
And i am willing to walk an extra mile.............

Learning a little

Learning to get over...learning to let it go...
learning to take it light...learning to take it slow...
learning to be have a braveface come what may...
Learning to learn something everyday!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

i have always complained to god about how imperefect he made body in the world perhaps had as many defects as i had! there wasn't a single field of interest or work in which i could command my that doesn't mean i was 'jack of all trades, master of none'. Infact i wasn't even worth a jack in any single field. I was ok at singing,below average at drawing, above average in dancing but too shy to exhibit my dancing skills in front of people, average at writing, BAD at painting, miserable in craft. Still i took proud in being myself considering i was good at studying, till i actually realised i was not so good after all. i messed up final year at school and there i was left behind my peers in the big bad competitive world of education. my bad interpersonal skills left me labelled as stuck up and snobbish in my extended family much to the dismay of my mum. i was born with a deep stage fear and was hesitant to mingle with lot of people.

but that was not about it. there was more. i was always regarded as one of the prettiest in class. but alas all that went down the drain as i collected huge amount of flab at all places and became miserably fat. the tension resulted in thinning of my hair, and i already had bad gums n teeth thanks to my genes. soon enough i got bespectacled too..........and shockingly i still looked cute thanks to my chubby cheeks and glowing skin. may be thats why i felt so low when my cute face was attacked by pimples. still i thought i was reasonably presentable and since,evidentally, everyone has hidden skills i would be having them too...all i had to do was search for it. but after 2 and a half years i realise that all i am good at is sleeping and watching tv. i felt like a loser and wanted to complain.

but now as i think about wasn't so bad after all. I am still happy, still smiling, my family loves me......and inspite of being a useless person...i am still leading a good life.
So i guess i actually had a lot more things to thank about.......

Happy life

Friday, January 22, 2010

Heck,why am i blogging...

What does boredom and loads of free time on hand does to you??

You sit at ur comp like an idiot...trying out social networking, reading random blogs, watching random videos or seeing semi nude pictures of celebs or googling the stupidest stuff on earth, making countless accounts on countless websites so much so that u even lose the count of ur passwords...huh! then there is my favorite pastime...sleeping:P

so after sleeping for 13 hours at stretch and checking out my accounts on social n/wing sites for like umpteenth no. of times( jeez i am tired of those astrological applications and being a tweeple waiting endlessly for the *stars* update)...i actually found myself making an account on blogger...why??? just like that...........

i have named my, laugh and leisure...again why??? coz all of us are living a life and thats the only thing u can write about...
i added laugh so that i can steal random jokes from web and post them here without feeling stupid and guilty...
i added leisure...just b'coz i wanted a word with initial 'L' and lazy and leisure are only two words i can think of at the moment...

So here i am, a writer of two fan fictions that i wrote wen i was still a giggling teenage fangirl which were so glossy and romantic that it makes me wanna puke now....NOT!!!

Now seriously who cares if anyone gonna read this crap or not!!!! I CARE!! After all i have given it 30 precious min. of my yeah if u read this please post comments....and read on the PS:)

PS: How can i be shameless enough to advertise this blog to strangers as i cannot share it with my acquaintances...that it be too embarassing...dont you think so...
